Vitamin D, is also called sunshine vitamin, because the biggest source of vitamin D is light from the sun, ie, sunlight. Like many other essential vitamins and nutrients, vitamin D is also very important for our body. Vitamin D is needed to keep bones, teeth, and muscles healthy and strong. Despite so many benefits, most people ignore the need for vitamin D. You will be surprised to know that 70 to 90 percent of the people of India are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. In such a situation, we are telling you about those basic signs that can tell you that you have vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D Deficiency
Taking sunlight or vitamin D supplements can help increase the number of good bacteria in the stomach and prevent metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndromes are a group of syndromes that increase the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. A new research has revealed this.
According to a recent study, due to lack of vitamin D, the body is vulnerable to many diseases. One of these is breast cancer. Yes, vitamin D deficiency increases the chance of breast cancer. This study on breast cancer revealed that if there is obesity along with vitamin D deficiency, then it increases the risk of breast cancer.
Research has revealed that good levels of vitamin D present in the body with low BMI (Body mass index) works to protect against breast cancer. So how do we know that your body is deficient in vitamin D? Let us tell you the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body, which tells you that the body has signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency at this time. And at the same time, tell you about a diet that is rich in Vitamin D.
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency (Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms)
In today's time, the problem of deficiency of vitamin D is coming very high. According to the NCBI, 50 percent of the world's population is suffering from vitamin D deficiency problem. Everyone regularly needs 10 to 20 micrograms of vitamin D daily.
Some basic signs of Vitamin D deficiency are:
Feeling tired all the time:
The biggest sign of vitamin D deficiency in the body is feeling tired all the time. If you feel tired even after consuming the right diet and getting 7-8 hours of sleep at night, it may be due to vitamin D deficiency. Lack of this vitamin causes excessive fatigue. So if this is happening to you too, get your blood test done and try to know if there is a deficiency of this sunshine vitamin in your body.
Back and bones ache all the time:
Vitamin D is also necessary for the absorption of calcium in the body. Calcium intake is necessary to keep bones, muscles and teeth strong. But calcium will not be absorbed in the body unless there is vitamin D in the body. In such a situation, if you often have back pain, bones pain, then these can also be signs of vitamin D deficiency. There is also a link between prolonged body pain and vitamin D deficiency.
Early injury:
If you get hurt somewhere but that injury is taking more time to heal, then it can also be a sign of vitamin D deficiency in the body. Vitamin D helps fight infection and prevent inflammatory irritation in the body. In such a situation, when there is a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, the healing process of the wound becomes slow.
Depression and bad mood:
If you feel depression and anxiety all the time and your mood worsens, then it can also be a sign of vitamin D deficiency in your blood. So go in the sun, breathe in the warm sunlight and sunlight in the morning. Staying in sunlight not only provides vitamin D but also relieves depression, keeps the mood fresh and happy.
Hair fall:
Hair fall or hair loss is not just due to using dandruff or chemical products, but if there is a lack of vitamin D in the body, then due to this, too much hair starts falling. This is because it is the nutrient that helps hair follicles to grow. If it is not treated in time, then too much hair fall begins.
What are the causes of Vitamin D deficiency (Vitamin D Deficiency Causes)
- Due to usage of more sunscreen than necessary: By doing this, the rays of the sun do not reach the skin.
- Due to living in a place where there is less sunlight or no sunlight.
- Due to living in high pollution environment.
- Due to spending more time indoors.
- Due to not taking a diet rich in vitamin D.
Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment (Vitamin D Rich Foods)
You can take vitamin D directly from the sun's rays. Along with this, you can remove vitamin D deficiency by including things rich in vitamin D in your food. So to help you, we tell you a diet rich in vitamin D such as fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, cellmon egg whites, soy milk, dairy products like milk, yogurt, mushroom, cereal, cheese, orange juice, coca, etc.
Here are some foods that will minimize vitamin D deficiency –
Salmon fish:
Salmon is a fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which is an excellent source of vitamin D. 100 grams of salmon fish contain about 66 percent of vitamin D. So if you are a non-vegetarian and eat fish, then eat salmon fish and remove vitamin D deficiency.
Egg yolks:
Those who do not eat fish need not be disturbed because only sea food is not the source of vitamin D. Rather, egg is also an excellent source of vitamin D. While there is mostly protein in the egg white part, fat, vitamins and minerals are found in the egg yolk ie yellow part. The yellow portion of 1 egg contains 5 percent vitamin D.
Orange juice:
Orange juice is not only vitamin C rich but it also helps to overcome vitamin D deficiency. Take fresh orange juice at home instead of packed juice and drink it daily. You will benefit from this.
Cow's milk:
Cow milk is a rich source of vitamin D. According to health experts, instead of low fat milk, people should drink full cream milk which contains more vitamin D and calcium.
Curd made from milk is also rich in vitamin D. If yogurt cannot be eaten every day, then lassi or buttermilk can be made, which will be tasty as well as you will get full benefits of yogurt.
Keep in mind that you must have a diet rich in vitamins. It is very important for a healthy life. If your vitamin D deficiency persist, then talk to your doctor.