Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Skin Rash | Treatment of Skin Rash | 21 Home Remedies for Skin Rash

Skin Rash | Treatment of Skin Rash | 21 Home Remedies for Skin Rash

·      Now a days skin problems are becoming common. Our food and environment pollution can be responsible for this. In addition, many people have more sensitive skin, which can cause skin problems. One such problem associated with the skin is Skin Rash

 [Also Read : Skin Allergy]

·      We will give information about this in this article on scientific basis. Home remedy can be used in the treatment of rashes, but for better treatment, medical treatment can also be adopted.
·      Sometimes our body becomes more sensitive to certain things like dust, smoke, perfume, some kind of fragrance, medicine etc. and the immune system is not able to accept it.
·      For example, Neeta is healthy but whenever there is uncleanliness in her house, due to dust, water comes from her eyes and nose and heart beat also decreases.
·      There are many people like Nita who are allergic to something or the other. Sometimes our body becomes more sensitive to certain things like dust, smoke, perfume, some kind of fragrance, medicine etc. and the immune system is not able to accept it.
·      In such a situation, its effect on the skin is seen as a reaction. Such as skin rash, watery eyes and nose, rapid breathing, fever etc. Neglecting them for a long time aggravates the situation.

What is Skin Rash ?

·      When someone's skin gets rashes, it starts burning, itching, red marks, pain and swelling in that area. Some skin rash also cause blisters and patches on the skin. Sometimes this problem can also be caused by some other kind of problem.
·      In some situations, it can also be caused by allergies. Some people have an increased risk of developing it due to genes. This skin problem can lead to other problems associated with it.

 [Also Read : Eczema (in hindi)]

Causes of Skin Rash

Skin rash can occur due to exposure to certain things.
·       Chemical products (elastic, rubber)
·       Cosmetics (soaps and detergents)
·       Chemical or dye present in clothing
·       On coming in contact with some poisonous trees

Other common causes of skin rashes can also include:
·       Causes of eczema
·       Due to psoriasis
·       Ringworm
·       Childhood diseases such as chickenpox and hand-to-mouth disease
·       Medicine or insect bite

Many medical conditions can also cause rashes, which are as follows:
·       Lupus erythematosus (immune system related disease)
·       Arthritis
·       Kawasaki disease (inflammation of blood vessels)
Viral, bacterial or fungal infection problems

Reasons of Skin Rash

Allergy factors vary in different people like-

Dust :
The microorganisms present in it cause allergies. Due to which the person complains of sneezing, water from eyes and nose.

Food :
Some people are also allergic to eggs, peanuts, milk etc. Red rash often appears on the skin after eating them.

Smell :  
Most of the people suffering from allergies have trouble with smell. Its cases are more frequent. The patient has problems like headache, vomiting.

Pets :  
Household pets also cause allergies. Their hair and mouth have more problems with saliva.

Changes in weather :  
Some people are allergic to the change in weather (February – March) and the pollen spread around.

Medication :  
Special medicines like pain relievers etc. cause allergies in people.

Symptoms of Skin Rash

Skin rashes start showing its symptoms. If such symptoms are seen, it would be appropriate to treat them without delay. These symptoms can be of this type.

·       Skin redness with itching.
·       Bright skin as well as pus filled blisters in the skin.
·       Sore blisters (blisters).
Lack of moisture in the skin means dry skin.

Treatment of Skin Rash

We are giving some general measures for skin rash treatment below.

-   Moisturizer
The use of skin moisturizer can reduce the dryness of the skin. This can keep the skin healthy. Now a days many branded skin moisturizers are available in market.

-   Lotion
When someone has a rash problem, applying lotion can be beneficial. This can also reduce the problem of rashes.

-   Inflammation Reducing Cream
Skin rashes can be due to other causes also. In some situation, the symptoms of rashes can be reduced by using inflammation reducing creams.

-   Antihistamine
This is a kind of medicine, which can work to relieve allergies.

-   Itching Relief Cream
Sometimes itching starts on the skin. Therefore, itching can be relieved by using itching relieving cream.

Home Remedies for Skin Rash

First of all people do home remedies when they see any kind of problem on the skin and it is also right to do so.
However, be aware that home remedies may be useful in the general problem, but it is necessary to get treatment by a doctor in the critical condition.
In this situation, home remedies should be used only on the advice of a doctor.

Redness and itching occur on the skin when there is a skin rash or skin allergy. It can appear on any part of the body. There can be many reasons for skin rash like- psoriasis, allergies, eczema, insect bites, acne, sweating etc. In many cases, rashes can also occur due to irritation from shampoos, cosmetics, soaps or detergents. This skin rash seems to be a common problem, but this rash can trigger fungal, bacterial and viral infections. By the way, you can get rid of skin rash by taking some easy measures-

-   Tea Tree Oil

Ingredients :
·       About 12 drops tea tree oil
·       About 30 ml coconut or jojoba oil
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Mix both the oil well.
·       Then apply this mixture on the affected skin using cotton.
·       It can be applied once daily.
How is this beneficial :
Using tea tree oil can benefit the skin in many ways. This oil can provide relief from boils, pimples, bacterial infections, blisters, burns, swelling, rashes and sunburn. For this, the antimicrobial and antiinflammatory properties found in it may be helpful. This information comes from a research published on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

-   Lavender Oil

Ingredients :
·       8 to 10 drops of lavender oil
·       20 to 25 ml coconut or olive oil
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Mix the two oils above.
·       After that, apply this mixture on the skin affected by rashes with the help of cotton.
·       It can be applied twice a day.
How is this beneficial :
A research in the NCBI website states that lavender oil can be used to relieve skin rashes. Actually, lavender oil has anti inflammatory and analgesic properties. These properties may help reduce inflammation and pain due to rashes.

-   Eucalyptus Oil

Ingredients :
·       About 10 drops eucalyptus oil
·       Around 25 ml coconut oil
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Mix both these oils well.
·       Then apply the rashes well with the help of cotton.
·       It can be used once daily.
How is this beneficial :
Eucalyptus oil may prove to be a better solution to deal with rashes. Indeed, many studies suggest that eucalyptus extract may serve to relieve the condition of atopic dermatitis (skin problem). In addition, it can also act to retain moisture in the skin. Its positive effect can be found in relieving rashes.

-   Apple Vinegar

Ingredients :
·       A spoonful of apple vinegar
·       Half a cup of water
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Mix apple vinegar in water.
·       Then soak cotton in this mixture and apply it on the affected area.
·       This home remedy can be used twice a day.
How is this beneficial :
Sometimes rashes can also occur due to infection. In this case, apple vinegar can help relieve the problem of rashes. According to a scientific research published by NCBI, apple cider vinegar can help to prevent infections and prevent wounds. For this, the anti microbial properties found in it can be helpful. This allows skin rashes to be treated to some extent.

-   Coconut Oil

Ingredients :
·       Coconut oil as required
Method of use :
·       Apply coconut oil in the palm and apply it gently on the skin affected by the rashes.
·       Then leave it for an hour.
·       After that wash with luke warm water.
·       It can be used once or twice a day.
How is this beneficial :
Many skin related problems can be dealt with using coconut oil. Eczema and psoriasis are the main among them. This oil can also be used as a moisturizer on the skin. At the same time, skin rashes can occur due to eczema and psoriasis. Therefore, it can be said that coconut oil can relieve rashes.

-   Aloe Vera

Ingredients :
·       Aloe vera gel
Method of use :
·       Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the skin.
·       Then leave it for about 30 minutes.
·       Then wash it with water.
·       Can be applied once or twice a day.
How is this beneficial :
Aloe vera can be considered beneficial for the skin. It is enriched with many qualities. It moisturizes the skin and has anti-aging properties.
Due to these properties, aloe vera gel can help protect the skin from dryness. Also it can help to keep wrinkles away with increasing age. The skin rash can also be kept away by keeping the skin moisturized, as this problem is caused by dryness in the skin.

-   Rock Salt

Ingredients :
·       A cup of rock salt
·       A tub of water
Method of use :
·       Dissolve the salt well in water.
·       Then sit in this solution filled tub for about 5 minutes.
·       It can be used three days a week.
How is this beneficial :
Skin rashes can be treated with rock salt. Actually, rock salt has been considered a good source of magnesium, which can serve to maintain hydration (moisture) in the skin. It can also work to correct skin problems. In addition, it can also reduce inflammation caused by rashes. Therefore, it can be said that rock salt can relieve rashes.

-   Castor Oil

Ingredients :
·       Two teaspoons castor oil
Method of use :
·       Apply castor oil in the hands and apply it lightly on the affected skin.
·       Then leave it for about 30 minutes.
·       After that wash the skin with water.
·       This process can be done once a day.
How is this beneficial :
Using castor oil on the skin can prove beneficial. It can help to overcome the skin problem. This includes sunburn, pimples, dry skin and stretch marks.
In addition, it can work to remove some of the problems caused by infection. Resinalic acid is found in this oil, which protects the skin by fighting bacteria. Thus it can be said that the problem of rashes can be reduced by using castor oil.

-   Hydrogen Peroxide

Ingredients :
·       3% hydrogen peroxide
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Dissolve thoroughly the hydrogen peroxide in little water.
·       Then apply it on rashes with the help of cotton.
·       Let it dry for about 20 minutes, then wash off with water.
·       It can be applied twice a day.
How is this beneficial :
Bacteria are responsible for many skin problems. One of these problems is skin rashes. In such a situation, the solution of bacteria can be found by using hydrogen peroxide. It has antibacterial properties, which can act to remove bacteria. This can keep the skin healthy.

-   Honey

Ingredients :
·       A spoonful of honey
·       Two teaspoons olive oil
Method of use :
·       Mix both ingredients well.
·       Apply this mixture on the affected area and leave it for an hour.
·       Then wash it with water.
·       This home remedy can be used once a day.
How is this beneficial :
The way honey is beneficial for the body, in the same way, applying it on the skin can benefit the skin. Honey has antimicrobial properties, which can serve to keep away microbes (microbes). In addition, honey can affect the skin's immune system, keeping the skin safe. This information is given in the medical research paper available on NCBI website. This research was done on animals.

-   Green Tea

Ingredients :
·       A spoonful of green tea
·       A cup of water
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Put green tea in water and heat it for about 10 minutes.
·       Then let it cool down a bit. After that, immerse cotton in tea and apply it on the affected area.
·       After about 30 minutes, wash the skin with water.
·       It can be used once a day.
How is this beneficial :
Green tea can be used for drinking as well as for application on the skin. It can have a positive effect on inflammation caused by allergies. It can also control allergies to some extent. Also itching and burning can also be reduced. It can also relieve the problem of rashes.

-   Neem Oil

Ingredients :
·       A spoonful of neem oil
Method of use :
·       Take neem oil in your hand and apply it directly on the rash.
·       Then leave it for 30 minutes.
·       After that wash the skin with water.
·       It can be applied once a day.
How is this beneficial :
Neem oil is used to deal with many skin diseases. This oil is rich in many medicinal properties. Among them, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal are the main ones. These properties can act to remove bacteria and fungus from the skin. This can help keep the skin healthy and get rid of rashes.

-   Lemon Juice

Ingredients :
·       ½ teaspoon lemon juice
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Dip cotton wool in lemon juice and apply it on skin with rashes.
·       Then leave it for about 30 minutes.
·       After that wash the skin with water.
·       If someone's skin is more sensitive, one can add water in the same amount as lemon.
·       You can use it except one day.
How is this beneficial :
The problem of rashes can be kept away by using lemon. Actually, it is a kind of citrus fruit, which has antimicrobial properties. Antimicrobial properties may help in dealing with skin infections. It also keeps away many skin related problems. This can relieve the problem of rashes.

-   Garlic

Ingredients :
·       Two garlic buds
Method of use :
·       Grind garlic well and make a paste.
·       Then apply it on the affected area.
·       Then leave it for about 30 minutes.
·       Then wash the skin with water.
·       It can be used once daily.
How is this beneficial :
Skin rashes are caused by an allergic reaction, which can spread on the skin. In such a situation, this problem can be reduced by using garlic. Indeed, medical research believes that garlic's antiallergic properties may work to reduce skin reaction, which may help maintain skin healthy.

-   Ginger

Ingredients :
·       About an inch or two of ginger
·       A cup of water
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Cut ginger into small pieces and put it in water.
·       Then heat the water lightly.
·       After this, apply the rash with the help of cotton.
·       Then leave it for about 30 minutes.
·       This process can be used twice a day.
How is this beneficial :
Ginger is found in ginger, which acts as an excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. It can be used to reduce the irritation and inflammation associated with skin rashes. In particular, the antimicrobial properties found in gingerols may act to remove bacteria that cause skin rashes. Therefore, it can be said that ginger can give relief from rashes.

-   Jojoba Oil

Ingredients :
·       A spoonful of jojoba oil
Method of use :
·       Apply jojoba oil to the skin affected by rashes.
·       Then leave it overnight and wash the skin with water the next morning.
·       You can apply it every night before going to sleep.
How is this beneficial :
A research published on NCBI website states that the use of jojoba oil is beneficial for the skin. Indeed, anti-inflammatory effects are found in jojoba, which can help skin inflammation, infection and wound healing. Also, this oil is also used in moisturizing creams. At the same time, the article mentioned above that the problem of rashes can be due to infection. Therefore, Jojoba oil can work to reduce the rash problem to some extent.

-   Onion Juice

Ingredients :
·       an onion
·       Cotton
Method of use :
·       Firstly grind the onion and extract its juice.
·       Then soak cotton in that juice and apply it on the rash and leave it for 30 minutes.
·       In addition, onions can also be included in the diet.
·       It can be applied on rashes twice a day.
How is this beneficial :
If one has to avoid the problem of rashes, then it is also important to avoid bacteria and fungus. For this, using fresh onion juice may prove to be a better option. It has the ability to prevent bacterial and fungal infections. Also, onion juice can work to reduce skin inflammation. Therefore, onions can be included in home remedies for skin rashes.

-   Carrot Juice

Ingredients :
·       A glass of carrot juice
Method of use :
·       Drink carrot juice fresh.
·       It can be drunk one glass a day.
How is this beneficial :
Carrot juice can also be included in the remedy used to treat skin rashes. Carrots have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. As noted above in the article, bacterial and fungal infections can cause skin rashes. In this case, carrot juice can work to remove the bacteria that spread infections in the skin, as well as reduce the inflammation caused by rashes. At present, there is no direct scientific evidence in this regard.

-   Olive Oil
Olive oil is considered good for the treatment of skin rashes. Vitamin E and anti-oxidants are found in it, which in addition to giving the skin a softness, reduces itching. If you want, you can apply it directly on the skin or you can also apply a pinch of turmeric in olive oil. Turmeric has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which provide relief from rashes.

-   Baking Soda
If there are rashes on dry skin, it is considered good to use baking soda. To use it, mix one part baking soda and three parts water and apply it on the skin. By the way, if you wish, you can also apply coconut oil in baking soda. Clean the skin after a while after applying it. Keep in mind that do not leave baking soda on the skin for too long as it can cause irritation in your skin.

-   Oatmeal
If you have rashes on your skin due to IV, eczema, chicken pox, sunburn and allergies, you can take oatmeal help. To use it, pour a cup of finely ground oatmeal in lukewarm water for bathing and stay in this water for at least 15–20 minutes. If the rashes are on the face, then mix equal amount of oatmeal and curd and mix a little honey in it. Now apply it on the face.

Prevention from Skin Rash

Rash is easy to avoid. For this it is important to take care of some things, which can be like this:
·       This problem can be avoided by using antibiotic soap.
·       Those who are struggling with infection, stay away from them.
·       Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water regularly.
·       Do not wear the same clothes for long.
·       Maintain cleanliness around you.

Of course, rashes are not a serious problem, but ignoring them can certainly take serious forms. Therefore, if anyone sees mild rashes on their skin, start their home treatment immediately. Also, always keep the skin clean and moisturized.

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