Friday, January 17, 2020

Chanting OM : Feel The POWER within You

 Chanting OM : Feel The POWER within You

The Power of Chanting OM

  •       Enhance Overall Well-Being
The practice promotes inner peace, mental clarity, emotional freedom and physical health. Many experience positive shifts which allow them to enjoy more peace, joy and love in their lives.
  •       Transform Negativity into Positive Energy
Due to a special blessing, OM Chanting generates a vibrational frequency that releases negativity, transforms it and showers participants with positive energy.
  •      Purify the Environment
The vibrational waves created by the circle spread out in a 2-kilometre radius, creating a harmonious, peaceful environment and a unity between humans and nature. The OM continues to resonate in participants’ bodies after the circle, allowing them to share the good vibrations wherever they go.
  •       'Om' Mantra Holds a Strong High Vibration, We can Literally Feel It!
Om, pronounced “Aum,” represents the threefold division of time (waking state, dreaming state, and deep sleep). It is the sound of creation, representing all that is in creation Om also represents God, Source, or Universal Consciousness. .When chanted it cultivates strong blissful energy vibrations that flow inside and outside.
  •       Chanting Om Helps in Elevating & Healing Holistic Health
Om is not only a word created out of our rich mythological past but it has amazing therapeutic, psychological and spiritual benefits that even science has agreed .
  •       Om is Sacred & Resonates High Spiritual Energy
Chanting Om increases levels of internal positive energy and creates a cleaned aura resulting in greater happiness, peace, harmony and positivity. This is because we have better control over our emotions and see things with more clarity and with a rational mind .
  •       Om Connects Us to All That is Living
It connects us to all that is living, from beings to nature, to the universe. It generates a feeling of oneness .The Om mantra is referred to in sacred scriptures as being same as supreme consciousness. It’s believed that continuos practice leads to profound enlightenment.
  •       Take Away Message of Chanting Om... It is a Life Force Energy
By chanting Om we can tune into ourselves and to the Divine. 'Om' is probably the most ancient word for the 'Divine'. It is a life force energy. It is the mantra of the greatest symbolism and power. It has the power of healing mental, physical and spiritual faculties to create an awakened new you in alignment with the Divine and in peace and harmony with self and the universe.

What makes OM Chanting Unique?

  •       Grace of the Masters
Many people are aware of the power of OM, but only a Master knows how to activate its full potential. Paramahamsa Vishwananda is such a Master. Through his blessing and grace, this ancient practice is available to help create positive shifts around the world.
  •       A Special Blessing
The practice works because of a unique combination of seating, continuous chanting of OM and the presence of an OM Chanting Organiser who carries the blessing of Paramahamsa Vishwananda. The Master’s blessing is what permits the full transformation of negativity into positive energy.
  •       Vibration of OM
OM is the universal sound of creation; it is the highest and purest vibration that exists. Rishis of old perfected OM Chanting and used it for healing. Forgotten over time, this ancient group technique has been reintroduced by Paramahamsa Vishwananda to support Mother Earth and mankind in this time of need.

Also read our article on  the 1st sound that emerged as per Hindu Mythology:

OM : The 1st Sound Emerged in The Universe

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