Saturday, July 18, 2020

Stress Management | How to Relieve Stress | Ways to Reduce Stress

Stress Management | How to Relieve Stress | Ways to Reduce Stress

Why Stress Management is necessary?
Due to the busy schedule and the stuffy life, nowadays everyone is worried about something or the other. Over thinking, tension & stress has a bad effect on our brain, which can also cause us depression or migraine.
The same stress or tension falls on our mind as well and we become irritable and angry. Some people shop when they are stressed or they eat something, but not everyone can do it. In such a situation, we must adopt some tips, so that our stress also disappears within minutes and we do not have to face any problem.
Stress is a disorder caused by the state of mind. Tension arises due to imbalance and incompatibility between the state of mind and the situation. Stress is a very serious disease, which causes deep cracks in the mind and emotions. Stress is a gateway to many other psyches.
Through this, the mind feels disturbed, emotion unstable and body malaise. In such a situation our performance is affected and our physical and mental development journey gets interrupted.

Signs & Symptoms of Living Under Stress :-

  -   Having Digestive Problems :-
The brain and the digestive system are connected to each other by the vagus nerves. Therefore, when we are stressed, its effect starts appearing on the digestive system. Stress leads to a decrease in the number of good bacteria that digest food. Problems like abdominal pain and indigestion start bothering us.

  -   Frequent Cold - Cough :-
Cortisol damages our immune cells. This reduces the body's ability to fight against germs and viruses to a great extent.

  -   Feeling Overly Anxious & Depressed :-
Both of these problems are directly related to high level stress. When we are stressed we are often surrounded by a variety of concerns. Panic attacks and nervousness are also felt. If the tension remains for a long time, then gradually it affects our memory. It troubles concentrating. If nothing is done to reduce the stress during the time, then there is an increased chance of going into depression.

  -   Lack of Sleep :-
People often have sleep disturbances due to tension. People usually have a very short bedtime during tension. Whereas with some people the situation is completely reversed and they are very sleepy. There is fatigue all the time.

  -   Things not to be Remembered :-
In the event of tension, a person forgets his important work. They do not remember even everyday work.
  -   Difficulty in Focus :-
When a person is suffering from tension, he has difficulty in doing any work carefully. Because he is unable to focus on one thing for a long time.
  -   Indecision :-
No matter how good we have been a decision maker, but our ability to make decisions is severely affected. We face difficulty in taking every small and big decision related to home, family and career.

  -   Seeing a Decrease in Everything :-
In the event of tension, people are not able to see the positive aspect of any issue or situation. Negative things keep going in his mind all the time.
  -   Tension & Hunger :-
Some people have the problem of hunger disappearing when they are tense. That is, they do not feel hungry, while some people feel very hungry due to tension.
  -   Constipation :-
Some people have constipation problem when they have tension. On the other hand, some people also have loose motion. Some people also have problems due to bad mood due to nervousness or feeling like vomit and some people may get stomach or chest pain due to poor digestion.

What Causes Mental Stress?

·       Exams are also a reason for mental stress,
·       To argue
·       Failure to do homework on time can also be a cause of mental stress,
·       There is mental tension even when bullied,
·       From office work,
·       On marriage or childbirth,
·       When stuck in traffic,
·       When the interview is called,
·       On getting a new responsibility,
·       Fear of failure increases mental stress,
·       Negative thinking increases mental stress,
·       Doing illegal work also increases,
·       Muckling about others also increases mental stress

Ways to Stay Away From Stress :-

  -   Meditation :-
It is the best way to relieve stress, tension, and tension. To do this, always choose a quiet place and sit there and chant the AUM. If we want, we can think of something positive. By daily meditation, we will not only stay away from stress, but it will also keep us healthy.

  -   Close Eyes & Take Deep Breaths :-
When you are stressed during work, or have tension, tension or tension, sit in your seat and take deep breaths with closed eyes. Close one of your eyes and place one hand on the navel and close one of the nostrils with the other hand. Now slowly exhale and breathe again and release it slowly. It is an exercise that brings peace inside and removes stress and fear. According to experts, deep breathing is relaxing the mind.

  -   Focus on Ourselves :-
Putting our stress on one side, first ask ourselves what will happen if we get upset. Apart from this, pay attention to our behavior and if there is any deficiency in it, then try to improve it. Apart from this, we can also eat our favorite food to overcome our stress. Whenever we enjoy ourselves, focus on our sense. Stress will disappear on its own.

  -   Spend Time with People :-
Often we like to be alone due to stress or stress, but this can increase our problem even more. So talk to people. Spend time with the family and friends. By doing this we will feel lighter and a strength will come from inside that will give us the power to do something new or think. This can also give us a solution to our problem.

  -   Dance :-
This is the best idea to overcome stress. To overcome this, dance openly on one of your favorite songs. Doing so will freshen up your mood and make you feel lighter. By dancing, our body gets energized and for a while, the tension is removed from the mind, so that we can think positively. Along with this, blood circulation in the body also becomes good.
  -   Choose the Right Lifestyle :-
It is also very important to choose the right lifestyle to stay stress free. So keep our routine right and include everything from getting up on time to healthy diet in our routine. After getting up do yoga and exercise and do not forget to take nutritious breakfast. Include nutritious elements in food. If we are having trouble with it, take help of an expert or dietician.

  -   Laugh Out Loud :-
Laughing openly not only removes our stress, but it is also good for our health. According to a research, laughing openly relieves stress. This leads to lower cortisol, which causes endomorphine chemical release in the brain. This relieves our stress. For this, we can watch a comedy show or talk to a cheerful friend.

  -   Listen to the Songs :-
According to research, listening to songs reduces blood pressure, heart rate normal and stress. So whenever we have tension listen to our favorite songs, but keep in mind that we should not listen to sad songs.

  -   Start Walking :-
Whenever we feel stressed, we run or start running. Apart from this, we can also do exercise or yoga. This reduces stress and our brain also releases good chemical. This helps our body deal with stress.
  -   Don't Think Too Much :-
The brain stops working due to over-thinking. This causes mental and mental problems at times. Whenever we are worried about something, share it with our friends or family and think as little as possible.

Tips To Reduce Stress :-

  -   Good Start of the Day :-
Nowadays, all of us start the day with an emergency. We wake up early in the morning battling with domestic problems, husband and wife and children and have our breakfast and then we have been tense by the time we reach office to save a long way from the traffic of the city. All it needs is a spark to ignite. Why don't we start our day with a positive attitude, good planning? By doing this, not only can unwanted situations be dealt with, but workplace stresses will also be easier to handle.

  -   Enjoy Food with Everyone :-
When was the last time we went out of our desk to have lunch? Get up from the desk and go to the canteen or cafeteria and have lunch with everyone. This will also give we rest from work and will also make the mind happy by laughing with people.

  -   Write About 10 Good Things :-
According to the experts, write about 10 such things in a diary daily which makes you happy. Write about some things for which we are thankful to God. With this we will be able to focus on the good things in life and our stress will be reduced.

  -   Positive Thinking is Important :-
No matter what the situation. Keep your thinking positive. If our thinking turns negative then we cannot solve any problem. Together, we will only have trouble with it, on the basis of positive thinking, we can easily solve the biggest problem. Thinking negatively also affects our ability to kary.

  -   Stay with Relatives :-
Someone has said very right that on sharing the moment of happiness with four relatives, it increases four times more, whereas when sharing grief with four relatives, it remains one fourth. Therefore, share it with our relatives, be it happiness or sorrow. With this, take the opportunity to meet our relatives from time to time. It should not happen that us only remember them at the time of need. Our life becomes better by meeting relatives and relatives.
  -   Help Others :-
Helping others is a very high quality which makes us very special. If we are under stress and if we help a poor person or a needy person then it is certain that our stress will be reduced to a great extent. The satisfaction that comes from helping someone reduces our stress level and helps us to be free from stress. Our life will be better only when the life of others is better.
  -   Get Up Early in the Morning :-
If everyone is asked that you wake up late in the morning, then almost everyone will want the same. Everyone wants to take rest but this rest can also be forbidden for us. Getting up late is the root of many problems. Someday, if we get up late for some time, then we must have noted that we have to work hard to do all the work. It has a bad effect on our work. Get used to getting up early. This will give us many benefits and will also keep us away from stress.
  -   Exercise & Remove Stress :-
Since childhood we have been hearing that we should exercise daily. But we never take this thing seriously. If we exercise daily then it helps us a lot to reduce stress because our muscles are very good at the time of exercise and after exercise and they also get rest. Which makes us easy to sleep and our mood is also good. That is why we should exercise daily.
  -   Talk to Friends :-
Whenever we feel that we are under stress, we can then take help of our friends to get over this tension. We can go to meet our friends or talk to them on the phone. When we talk to our best friends, our stress reduces. We will definitely get relief from stress by listening to the happiness and sorrow of friends.

  -   Adopt Spirituality :-
We must have seen religious people. One thing is common in them and that is to be zero at the Stress level. They get a positive energy from spirituality. We read religious literature and heard religious music. It take our conduct mind, words, deeds towards purity & keeps compassion, love tolerance, simplicity at the top. Spiritual things drive us out of negative thinking.

Treatment for Stress :-

  -   Take Good Food & Diet :-
Eating good food becomes very important for good health. Only when we eat well will we be able to think well. Good and nutritious food helps us in getting out from stress. If we are under stress for a long time, then we should make full use of protein, fruits and vegetables in our diet. We must use less tea and coffee.

  -   Plan a Trip :-
If we are under stress for a long time, walking will prove to be very beneficial for us. Walking brings a change in our life, which removes our negativity and makes us positive. Make time to plan our time out. When we get out of our environment and by roaming, we will reach a new environment. Which will give us a new energy and we will be able to relieve our stress.

  -   Proper Time Management :-
Better time management has many advantages. It keeps us focused, makes sense of priorities and also reduces stress. One of the best ways to improve time management is not to expect too much, think daily on our progress, make routines, so that we can complete all the work on time according to priority. Keep some reserve time in our planning as well. It will be able to complete the work on time even if there is any disturbance and there will be no unnecessary stress.

  -   Stay Away from Drugs :-
The biggest mistake that most people make is to get drugged during stress. When a person is under stress, then any support is needed but most of the people find its treatment wrong and resort to addiction to get out of it which is not at all appropriate. Consuming drugs (tobacco, alcohol) has a very negative effect on our ability to think. Which increases our stress more instead of decreasing. So stay as far away from it as possible.

  -   Take Potassium :-
Potassium is a mineral that helps to keep the heartbeat normal and carries oxygen to the brain. It also maintains the balance of water in the body regularly. When we are mentally under stress, our metabolic rate starts increasing, due to which the level of potassium in the body starts falling. To balance it again we need high potassium content. That's why you use potassium.

  -   Avoid Useless Things :-
Most people live under stress because they compare themselves to others, in which their friends, relatives, colleagues etc. are there. It is never right to do so because every person's condition is different from us. We should never give more attention to those things which do not have much meaning in our life. Forget small things. Put yourself in those things or things that improve you. It is okay to keep a distance from stupid things.

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