Tuesday, November 12, 2019

TULSI : The Unmatched Natural HEALER

TULSI  :  The Unmatched Natural HEALER 
1.)   TULSI   (INTRO)                      

One of the oldest herbs known to mankind, Tulsi’s healing and healthful properties have been the most treasured knowledge across the world. Holy Basil or Tulsi is considered sacred in Hinduism and is worshiped as ‘Goddess of Devotion’ in many of the Indian households.
Tulsi is cultivated for religious and medical purposes and also for its essential oil which is often used in Ayurveda. Tulsi leaves are used in a variety of culinary preparations. In addition to the flavor, the culinary herb is said to preserve and enhance the properties of the food. From a healthy gut to stronger immunity, the benefits of tulsi leaves are quite a lot.
Tulsi assumes utmost importance when it comes to Ayurveda and Naturopathy. The extract obtained from the plants is used to cure various diseases such as common cold, inflammation, malaria, heart diseases and many more. Tulsi contains hundreds of beneficial compounds and possess strong antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, adaptogenic and immune enhancing properties. Tulsi also aids in the purification of atmosphere.
The essential oils found in Tulsi, effectively act on our respiratory system. It is rich in antioxidants which help in mitigating stress and conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. Tulsi has linoleic acid which is extremely beneficial for skin. Tulsi leaves have volatile and fixed oils which can help fight allergies, infections and pathogens. Tulsi paste as well as the powder has long been used in herbal and cosmetic products for its purifying, detoxifying and cleansing properties.
2.)   Uses of Different Parts of Plant
Different parts of the plant are recommended for treating different conditions:
- fresh flowers can be used for bronchitis.
- leaves and seeds, with black pepper, can be used for malaria.
- whole plant can be used for diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
- pill and ointment form can be used for eczema.
- alcohol extract can be used for stomach ulcers and eye diseases.
- essential oil made from the leaves can be used for insect bites.
3.)   Health Benefits of Tulsi
   3.1.)  Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory : Tulsi is packed with strong anti-inflammatory properties that cure a variety of diseases and disorders. It contains enzyme-inhibiting oils, including eugenol, citronellol and linalool. The anti-inflammatory properties of tulsi help lower inflammation, lowers the risk of heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel conditions. Chewing of Tulsi leaves soothes fever, headache, sore throat, cold, cough, flu.
   3.2.)  Prevents Heart Disease : Tulsi leaves show a positive impact in reducing cholesterol level in the body, thereby helpful in preventing cardiac diseases. Tulsi leaves also act as a tonic for the heart. Blood circulation enhances when the juice of fresh leaves is applied locally.
   3.3.)  Cures Fever and Common Cold : The tulsi leaves has the ability to cure many kinds of fever. Tender Tulsi leaves boiled in water act as a preventive against malaria and dengue fever.
In case of acute fever, a decoction of the leaves boiled with cardamom powder in half a litre of water mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature. Tulsi is also a good germicidal agent and a disinfectant that protects the human body from all types of viral infections.
   3.4.)  Heals Wound and Protects Against Infection : Extracts made from its leaves are thought to boost wound healing speed and strength. Some people use Tulsi after surgery to heal and protect their wounds from infections. It increases your wound breaking strength, healing time and contraction. 
   3.5.)  Packed with Disease-Fighting Antioxidants : Tulsi essential oil has the ability to help fight free radical damage while protecting DNA structure and cells. Tulsi contains two water-soluble flavonoid antioxidants, orientin and viceninare that strengthen the immune system, protect the cellular structure, DNA and delay the effect of skin ageing.
   3.6.)  Children’s Ailments: Basil leaves taken with honey keeps chicken pox at bay.
If a baby is given tulsi juice regularly before teething, it helps grow teeth easily without any of the usual teething troubles. Massaging the gums with a mixture of tulsi leaves and honey will also help. Giving children a mixture of tulsi juice and honey helps bring relief to cough and sore throat too.
Warm tulsi juice gets rid of the worms in the stomach.
   3.7.)  Reduce Stress and Anxiety : All parts of the holy basil plant act as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is natural substance that helps your body adapt to stress and promotes mental balance.
According to the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, holy basil has antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties comparable to diazepam and antidepressant drugs. These studies examined the leaves. One study found that people who took 500 milligrams (mg) of holy basil extract each day felt less anxious, stressed, and depressed. People also felt more social.
The act of drinking tea can be ritualistic and as calming as yoga. It fosters clear thoughts, relaxation, and a sense of well-being.
   3.8.)  Lowers Blood Sugar : If you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, all parts of the holy basil plant can help reduce your blood sugar. holy basil can help prevent symptoms of diabetes such as:
- weight gain
- hyperinsulinemia, or excess insulin in the blood
- high cholesterol
- insulin resistance
- hypertension
   3.9.)  Protects Stomach : Holy basil can counteract the effects of stress-induced ulcers. It naturally increases your stomach’s defense by:
- decreasing stomach acid
- increasing mucus secretion
- increasing mucus cells
- extending life of mucus cells
   3.10.)  Acts as Anti - Cancer : Tulsi is anti-carcinogenic in nature and helps to treat some forms of cancer including breast cancer. Tulsi restricts the blood vessels that feed tumours. It also helps to inhibit the growth of oral cancer that is caused due to tobacco.
   3.11.)  Treats Kidney Stones : One of the tulsi plant uses is that its leaves have a strengthening effect on the kidneys. In case of renal stones, the consumption of juice of basil leaves mixed with honey helps remove these stones through the urinary tract. Tulsi being a detoxifying agent can help to reduce uric acid level which is the main reason behind kidney stones.
   3.12.)  Medicine for Headache : Basil leaves are a good medicine for headache. Pounded leaves mixed with sandalwood paste can be applied on the forehead for relief from headache.
   3.13.)  Helps Quit Smoking : Tulsi can also help you immensely if you are trying to quit smoking. It is more helpful than nicotine gums and candies which claim to keep you distracted from your need of smoking. Keep some fresh tulsi leaves in your pocket and munch whenever you feel the urge to smoke. The tulsi juice will cool your throat just as the mint drops do and chewing will distract you. The anti-oxidant will actually help you to undo the damage done by years of smoking.
   3.14.)  Skin Care Benefits of Tulsi : Time and again, this wonder herb has proved itself to be one of the most essential ingredients used in herbal skin care products. The beauty benefits of tulsi plants are plenty. It helps in maintaining a healthy skin and shiny hair. Tulsi extracts make the most organic solution for your skin and hair problems. Tulsi is endowed with antiseptic and purifying qualities which help to prevent skin diseases.
Some of them have been listed below:
     3.14.1.)  Treats Skin Issues : Tulsi works very well on eczema, acne and pimples and many cosmetic companies use Tulsi as an ingredient in skin ointments due to its anti-bacterial properties. People suffering from scabies and eczema should drink Tulsi juice to help cure it.
     3.14.2.)  Eliminates Pimples and Acne :  Tulsi works great on the skin, whether you eat raw leaves or apply a paste to the face. When eaten raw, it purifies the blood from toxins and prevents appearance of acne and pimples. You can also make a toner by boiling Tulsi leaves in water.
     3.14.3.)  Lightens Scars and Marks : Besan and tulsi paste face pack is a popular pack to get rid of scar marks and get a clean and even skin tone. Skin whitening effects of besan lightens the appearance of scars and black marks and Tulsi kills the bacteria that lead to acne.
     3.14.4.)  Adds Glow to the Face :  Rubbing finely powdered dry tulsi on the face like a loose powder adds glow to the face glow and removes dark spots from the face.
     3.14.5.)  Prevents Inflammation : Tulsi leaves contain anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compounds. A paste made of Tulsi leaves along with sandalwood paste and rose water can be applied on the face as it helps to prevent inflammation.
     3.14.6.)  Cures Ringworm : Using tulsi paste and lemon helps to cure ring worms.
     3.14.7.)  Relieves Skin Irritation : Apply tulsi paste for relief from skin irritations caused due to plucking of the hair.
   3.15.)  Boosts Immunity : Tulsi has a complex constitution that includes immunity booster, adaptogens and anti-oxidants. Hence, tulsi juice when taken every week keeps our scalp healthy and hydrated.
   3.16.)  Aids Cough and Respiratory Problems : Chewing Tulsi leaves also cures cough and flu. It helps to mobilize mucous in bronchitis and asthma attacks. A decoction of leaves with honey and ginger is an effective remedy against bronchitis, asthma, influenza and cold. A decoction of leaves, cloves and common salt also relieves influenza.
Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as a drink in case of sore throat. You can also gargle with this water to soothe sore throat. Tulsi is an important ingredient in the preparation of cough syrups and expectorant.

            We see that Tulsi has several benefits. Every part of tulsi can be used as an ayurvedic medicine.
It can cure several diseases and its daily consumption can help to maintain the health free from diseases.

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Tulsi Plant; तुलसी; Benefits of Tulsi; तुलसी के लाभ

तुलसी (TULSI) मानव जाति के लिए ज्ञात सबसे पुरानी जड़ी बूटियों में से एक , तुलसी के उपचार और स्वास्थ्यवर्धक गुण दुनिया भर में सबसे अधिक ...