Sunday, November 10, 2019

Incredible Benifits of Drinking HOT WATER for Our Overall HEALTH

Incredible Benifits of Drinking HOT WATER for Our Overall HEALTH

1.)   Introduction :--
There's no doubt that most folks like to get their day started or ended with a fresh cup of coffee or tea. For some, coffee, tea or even both can be a huge motivator for getting out of bed in the morning and can play a big part in their daily routine. There are even some benefits to both of these drinks.
When we drink water, we tend to prefer it cold, but according to Ayurvedic medicine, we have it all wrong. For centuries, practitioners of Eastern medicine have recommended beginning the day with a glass of hot water (roughly 120° to 140° F) to kick-start the metabolism.
Drinking hot water can provide our body with the water it needs to replenish fluids. It can also improve digestion, relieve congestion, and even make us feel more relaxed. Most people who drink hot water as a holistic health remedy do so first thing in the morning or right before bed for optimal health benefit.
Drinking enough water can also support skin, muscle, and joint health. Water helps the body's cells absorb nutrients and fight infections. By adding a twist of lemon for a vitamin C boost, we are already on our way to better health.
The consumption of warm water increases the tightening of the intestines, which optimizes elimination.
2.)   Health Reasons To Drink Warm Water :--
   2.1)  Helps Flush Out Toxins :  Natural health advocates argue on how hot water can help the body detoxify. Drinking hot water not only raises our core temperature but also triggers our endocrine system.
When we drink hot water, or when we take a warm bath, our body’s endocrine system activates and we start to sweat. The toxins in our body are then flushed out through the sweat, which cleanses the blood flow too. Toxins in the body can also make us age faster. Clearing them may slow down signs of aging.
   2.2)  Helps Relieve Symptoms of Achalasia :  Achalasia is a condition during which our esophagus has trouble moving food down into our stomach. People with achalasia have trouble swallowing and also sometimes feel like foods get “stuck” in their esophagus instead of moving to the stomach.
Studies show that the intake of warm foods (including water) can assist in the relaxation of the lower part of the esophagus. In another study, hot water swallows were found to improve symptoms in patients with achalasia. Another study showed that 88% of the patients found relief from chest pain after drinking hot water.
   2.3)  Aids Digestion :  Yes, there's nothing more heavenly and refreshing than a glass of cold water, but one of the health benefits of drinking hot water is that it cleanses digestion and helps flush out toxins. Warm water will help break down these foods faster, making them easier for us to digest.
   2.4)  Eases Stress :  It's a natural and common thing in life-we all deal with aches, pains or cramps as well as things that make us panic and stress out. Another benefit of drinking hot water is that it can calm and soothe our central nervous system.
When our nervous system is primed for healthy and controlled reactions, we’ll find that we feel fewer aches and pains, as well as less panicked throughout our day.
   2.5)  Aids Constipation :  When a person does not drink enough water, the small intestine absorbs most of the water consumed through food and drinking. This causes dehydration and can make it more difficult to have a bowel movement. At one point or another, many of us are plagued by this common stomach problem where we have little to no bowel movement. The strain felt during elimination, accompanied by bloating, is brought on by a lack of water in the body.
Chronic dehydration can cause corresponding chronic constipation. Drinking very warm water in the morning on an empty stomach can help improve bowel movements and aid constipation while breaking down foods as they smoothly pass through the intestines.
   2.6)  Halts Premature Aging :  There’s a reason we should clear our body of toxins: they make us age faster.
Premature aging is a woman’s worst nightmare, but luckily, this can be prevented by drinking warm water. The presence of toxins in the body can lead to aging faster, but warm water can help cleanse the body from those toxins, while repairing skin cells to increase elasticity.
Cleansing our bodies of toxins is important for keeping a healthy gut and also since toxins accelerate signs of aging. Drinking hot water will help repair damaged skin cells so it becomes smoother making us look fresh and free from any breakouts. Hot water can also help eliminate the root cause of some common skin infections.
   2.7)  Relieves Nasal Congestion :  It’s the season of nasal congestion and sinus infections. While medicine, Vitamin C and rest can give relief to the pain, hot water does have many benefits when feeling down.
The warmth of hot water creates steam. Taking a deep inhale of this gentle vapor while holding a cup of hot water can help loosen clogged sinuses and even relieve a sinus headache. Drinking hot water is an excellent natural remedy for colds, coughs and a sore throat. It dissolves phlegm and also helps to remove it from our respiratory tract. As such, it can also provide relief from a sore throat.
   2.8)  Keeps You Hydrated :  Hot water is no different than room temperature or cool water when it comes to keeping us hydrated. A common recommendation from health authorities is that an adult should drink about 2 liters of water a day.
Starting the day with a serving of hot water and ending the day with another will get us much closer to being adequately hydrated. Our body needs water to perform basically every essential function, so the value of that can’t be overstated.
   2.9)  Improves Blood Circulation :  The fat deposits in the body are eliminated along with accumulating deposits in the nervous system when we drink a glass of warm water. Hot water is a vasodilator, meaning it expands the blood vessels, improving circulation. This can help muscles relax and reduce pain.
Taking a warm bath is like spending some time at the spa! It relaxes tense muscles and helps with healthy blood flow and circulation. Taking a warm bath helps our circulatory organs — our arteries and veins — to expand and carry blood more effectively throughout our body. Healthy blood flow affects everything from our blood pressure to our risk of cardiovascular disease.
   2.10)  Helps With Weight Loss :  Do you have a few extra pounds you want to shed after the holidays? Well, one of the benefits of drinking hot water is that it can help you out with that diet!
According to experts, hot water consumption in the morning preps our gut for the rest of the day and may contribute to weight loss. Specifically, it clears the intestines, prevents bloating, and gets rid of excess water weight via contraction of the bowels. It also increases core body temperature, which causes the body to expend energy to lower its temperature back to normal. This energy expenditure promotes metabolism.
   2.11)  Dental Health :  Drinking hot water is better for our teeth. Cold water may cause filling materials to contract and break off, thus destroying dental work. Try getting into this habit of drinking warm water every once in awhile. Some experts recommend brushing with warm water, too.

            Thus we see that drinking hot water has many health advantages.
According to Ayurved, drinking hot water regularly can help in healing our body. Getting into habit of drinking warm water doesn’t take a lot of work. Hence, we must create the habit of drinking warm water regularly to maintain our body health.

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