Tuesday, November 5, 2019



As a source of vitamin C, which combats free radicals and comprised of iron and other essential nutrients – Amla can safely be called the powerhouse of health. As a superfood and a naturally enriched fruit, Amla is revered for its health benefits, nutritious advantages and tangy taste. What it brings to the table in terms of health and overall well-being of the body, cannot be ignored.
Amla or Indian gooseberry is a nutritious fruit and its regular consumption can keep our body healthy and fit. Scientifically known as Phyllanthus emblica, this tree bears the amla berries, which are pale green and translucent.
Right from its pulp to the seed, every part of the fruit comes packed with so much goodness that by including it in our everyday diet or beauty regime as juice or Amla powder, we can smile our way to health and gorgeous hair growth and skin, and such is how beneficial Amla can be. Drinking its juice can help us stay protected from many widespread ailments and diseases boost immunity and helps prevent viral and bacterial infections.
Amla can be had in form - as a fresh fruit, dried or candied fruit, powder form or as a juice—yet its advantages and health benefits remain as strong and effective.
What is Amla Juice?                        
Amla juice is the juice extracted from the amla berries. It is famous because which is rich in nutrients and thus there are numerous health benefits of amla juice.
Amla juice is a healthy drink as it is a storehouse of vitamin C and other nutrients like iron, which provide an array of health and beauty benefits.
It is a rich source of other active ingredients including ellagitannins, flavonoids, kaempferol, and gallic acid, all of which can have extensive impacts on human health.
List of Some of the Active Ingredients Present in Amla and its Nutritional Facts                  
Active ingredients present in amla are :
Vitamin C ; Vitamin B ; Fiber ; Calcium ; Phosphorus ; Iron ; Carotene ; Gallic acid ; Ellagic acid
Energy: 99Kcal
Amino Acids
Carbohydrates: 4.39 g
Folates (B9): 7.86 mcg
Calcium: 20.14 mg
Potassium: 223 mg
Arginine 3.87 g
Protein: 0.34 g
Riboflavin (B2): 0.030 mg
Copper: 0.12mg
Sodium: 1.37 mg
Glycine 50.1 g
Fat: 0.16 g
Thiamin (B1): 0.01 mg
Iron: 1.25 mg

Proline 4.48g
Dietary Fibers: 47.75 g
Niacin (B3): 0.12 mg
Manganese: 0.11 mg

Pantothenic acid (B5): 0.35 mg
Phosphorus: 21.8 mg

Pyridoxine (B6): 0.27 mg
Magnesium: 6.5mg

Vitamin A: 290 IU
Zinc: 0.05 mg

Vitamin C: 252 mg

Health Benefits of Amla Juice                           
I)  Prevents Cancer :--
Amla is known to prevent the risk of cancer to a great extent. Amla juice is a drink which is rich in the fibre quantity along with the number of anti-oxidants.
The anti-oxidant called ‘superoxide dismutase’ fights against the free radicals and thus controls the damaging effects on the body. This anti-oxidant acts as a preventive aid against cancer-causing cells. Amla is also a good source of antibacterial and anti-infectious properties which ensures the spreading of the cancer-causing cells in the body.
II)  Purifies Blood :--
Not many people are aware of the fact that the impure blood is sometimes the main cause of many-body problems. If the body is not getting the right amount of purified blood, it cannot perform any of its normal functions properly.
The juice of Amla is a natural detoxifier and works wonders when it comes to blood purification. The antioxidant properties of Amla helps in flushing out the toxins from the body resulting in the increase in hemoglobin and red blood cell counts.
III)  Protects from Heart Diseases :--
High cholesterol level is the root cause of heart diseases. If we want to keep our heart functioning in an efficient manner, then we should keep a check on the cholesterol levels.
Numerous studies have been conducted on amla juice and its potential role in lowering blood pressure. The presence of potassium also helps this drink reduce tension in the blood vessels and arteries, thus reducing chronic conditions such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
IV)  Relieves from Constipation and Piles :--
The magical drink does wonders to our digestive tract and is a natural detoxifier. Just like the various other nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, amla juice is also a rich source of fibres. The amla juice has a high quantity of fibre which is one of the essential needs to control the problem of constipation.
It helps modulate bowel movements and treats chronic constipation caused by piles and other stomach related disorders. Regular consumption of this juice also benefits in increasing the digestion rate of the body and boosts the overall health.
V)  Improves Eyesight :--
A powerhouse of nutrients: regular consumption of Amla helps in maintaining retinal cells and promotion of healthy capillaries. It also helps in controlling and preventing the eyes from cataract.
Amla juice is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially in the amount of vitamin A which is one major requirement for improving the eye-sight.
The vitamin C enriched juice combats free radicals & strengthens the eye muscles and it additionally limits intraocular pressure and counters issues like itchiness in eyes. Washing eyes with Amla powder helps refresh tired eyes.
VI)  Improves Respiratory Health :--
Proper functioning of liver is important to keep the body free of any harmful chemicals and toxins. Many proofs clearly highlight the amla juice benefits for the liver. The anti-oxidants and the anti-bacterial properties present in the amla juice are responsible for fighting against the various respiratory problems. It will also help in the normal functioning of the respiratory system and also helps the system to recover faster after an illness.
VII)  Controls Diabetes :--
Diabetes can be easily cured with the presence of anti-oxidant called ‘Polyphenol’ and as per the researches were done, amla juice is found to be a rich source of the particular anti-oxidant. This anti-oxidant encourages the better absorption of insulin in the body, which further helps in controlling the blood sugar levels.
VIII)  Helps Cure Gastric Disorder :--
Irregular eating patterns and lack of proper and nutritious diet increases the chances of having gastric problems. The various vitamins and minerals available in the amla juice are so effective in their functioning that they aid against the problem of gastric disorder.
Amla juice balances the number of infected cells inside the body and replaces them with the non-infected cells. It further controls the infected cells from growing with its anti-infectious properties. The anti-bacterial property of amla juice also helps in controlling the harmful effects of the bad bacteria, which causes the gastric disorder.
IX)  Benefits in Burning Excessive Fat :--
When it comes to losing weight, bitter is always better. Obesity is often a result of slow or inactive metabolism. Amla juice aids in keeping our metabolism healthy and active by flushing out free radicles and harmful toxins from the digestive tract.
With the amla juice, we can also easily digest the starchy diet without facing the problem of constipation.
X)  Fights Signs of Aging :--
One of the major benefits of drinking amla juice in empty stomach is that it helps the body to fight against the signs of premature ageing.
Due to its antioxidant properties, this juice slows down the ageing process of the skin and prevents appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and age spots among other signs of ageing. Its consumption also adds a natural radiance to the skin by making it few tones lighter. Amla detoxifies the body from inside to reveal fresh, healthy, flawless and younger looking from the outside.
XI)  Prevents Hair Loss and Premature Graying :--
If our scalp is not healthy, we cannot have healthier hair. Sooner or later, the effects of the bad scalp will be seen on the quality of our hair. Another benefit of Amla is that it is rich in iron and antioxidants that helps reduce instances of hair fall and strengthen the hair follicle.
We can also get the benefits of Indian gooseberry juice against the early hair greying problem. As per the experts and the researches done by them, the main reason for the premature hair greying is having excess pitta amount in the body. The excess pitta can also cause skin rashes, body heat, burning sensation, etc. All this can be effectively cooled by amla juice. Amla is the natural ingredient or a natural coolant that works at its best to provide the needed relief to all these symptoms of hair greying.
XII)  Strengthens Bones and Muscles :--
As the time passes by, our bones become fragile and weak. Consuming the juice of Amla on a regular basis can make our bones healthy and strong. Drinking this juice regularly brings down osteoclasts, the cells that are responsible for breaking of bones and helps strengthen the bones.
XIII)  Strengthen Immunity Power :--
The damages caused by free radicals are the main causes of the weakness in the immunity system. Amla juice contains a good amount of vitamins and anti-oxidants which prevents the various damages caused by the free radicals.
Amla juice also contains Tannis which when combines with polyphenols gives amazing results for strengthening the immunity system.
XIV)  Helps In Losing Weight :--
Thanks to the high amount of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in amla juice or the Indian gooseberry juice because it is the best choice for weight loss. We can easily lose those extra kilos just by having a glass of amla juice daily. Have the amla juice any time of the day, but it is suggested to have it on an empty stomach in the morning as it will then deliver the needed benefits to the maximum.

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