Sunday, March 15, 2020

Benefits of MUSTARD Against Medicines

Benefits of MUSTARD Against Medicines

You must have heard the proverb that a mountain made of molehill.
Yes, it is the same mustard that is cultivated throughout the country and mustard is also used in almost all the households. Even after this, there is still some confusion about the identity of Mustard. People usually use mustard or mustard oil only for diet. This is why people are not fully aware of the use of mustard. There are many benefits of Mustard. Do you know that mustard is also a very good medicine, by which many diseases can be cured, not one or two?

You can cure blood disorder by using mustard. Mustard eliminates itching, leprosy, stomach worms. The vegetable of mustard leaves is delicious as well as nutritious. Many diseases are cured by this as well. Mustard oil is beneficial in headache, ear disease, itching, leprosy, stomach disease. It is also beneficial in indigestion, loss of appetite, hemorrhoids and arthritis. Mustard is also used in urinary disease. Not only this, as per Ayurveda, black mustard cures Tridosha (Vatta-Kapha-Pitta) and is beneficial in piles. It is also beneficial in respiratory disease, indigestion, pain, arthritis etc.

Medicinal Properties of Mustard

·      Mustard is rich in aloes and digestive properties.
·      Is beneficial in unconsciousness.
·      It is hot in nature.
·      Grinding and applying it causes blister. That is why rib pain, pneumonia, arthritis, gastric, liver and spleen are applied in its coating or chloasma.
·      It is bitter and pungent in taste.

Benefits of Mustard

  •       Use of Mustard in Eye Disease is Beneficial
When there is puff on the eyelids, mix the powder of mustard seeds with ghee and apply. This disease is cured instantly by applying it.
  •       Use of Eating Mustard in Asthma
Childhood asthma is a very serious problem. But regular intake of mustard can significantly reduce the chances of developing childhood asthma. Research conducted at several schools has shown that children who did not consume mustard increased 60% more likely to develop asthma than children who regularly consumed mustard.
  •       Use of Mustard in Pimples and Itching is Beneficial
Washing the head with a decoction of mustard stops hair fall and diseases like head lice, pimples and itching disappear.
To cook a lump in the orbit (armpit or armpit), finely grind jaggery, guggul and mustard and mix it in water. Apply it on a cloth strip and paste it. The lump gets ripened.
  •       The Benefits of Mustard for Weight Loss
Mustard is considered a better grain than wheat or barley for weight loss. Fiber is found in plenty in mustard. It is low in calories which helps you to control weight. When you are on a diet, you often feel hungry. So by essentially consuming it, the fiber in it slows down your hunger process and prevents you from overeating, so you can control your weight.
  •       The Benefits of Mustard Keeps Away From Gallstones
According to a research, the elements found in mustard help reduce the severity of gallstones. The fiber present in it helps in digestion process which helps in reducing the amount of bile acid. These bile acids are the main reason for the development of gallstones.
  •       Benefits of Mustard in Headache
If you are always troubled by a headache, then grinding mustard on the forehead is beneficial for headaches.
  •       Mustard Properties Makes Better Heart Health
If you are suffering from high blood pressure or atherosclerosis (blockage of the arteries), then include mustard in your diet. The fiber, vitamins and minerals in it help improve your heart health.
  •       Benefits of Mustard in Cold
You can treat colds with the use of mustard. For this, mix 500-750 mg of mustard and 1 gram of sugar and drink it with water. It cures cold.
  •       Benefits of Using Mustard in Toothache
Grind mustard and mix it with lukewarm water and rinse it to cure toothache.
  •       The Use of Mustard in Gum Disease
Rubbing rock salt in mustard oil and rubbing it on the teeth provides relief in gum related disorders.
  •       The Medicinal Properties of Mustard to Control Metabolism
Research at the University of Kuopio has shown that mustard reduces the production of harmful genes. Mustard is best used to optimize the metabolic performance of our cells.
  •       The Benefits of Eating Mustard Relieves Constipation
The effective composition and density of dietary fiber in mustard reduce constipation or some other intestinal problems such as gas, abdominal pain, and cramps. Mustard prevents problems from more serious conditions such as ulcers, gallstones, or stomach cancer.
  •       Use of Mustard for Diabetes
When it comes to blood sugar, diabetics think what to eat so that their diabetes is controlled. Wheat actually causes increased levels of insulin in the body because it is made up of small molecules that quickly and easily break down into simple sugar, which can lead to an increase in insulin. Mustard is made up of large molecules that do not break down quickly and therefore have no effect on blood sugar.
  •       The Use of Mustard Benefits in Respiratory Disease
You can also take the benefits of mustard in respiratory diseases. Mix ghee and honey in 500 mg of mustard powder, eat it twice a day. It is beneficial in respiratory disease.
  •       Relieves the Pain of Arthritis With the Virtue of Mustard
The use of mustard in arthritis is beneficial. Experts believe that mustard has medicinal properties that help reduce joint pain and inflammation.
  •       Medicinal Use of Mustard When Pricking the Fork
If the thorn is pierced, you can also get the benefits from mustard. If the thorn penetrates into the skin, then adding ghee and honey to the flour of mustard and applying it, the thorn comes up.
  •       Use of Mustard Medicine in the Burning Sensation of the Body
The benefits of mustard are found in the burning of the body. If there is burning sensation and swelling in the body, then coating of mustard is beneficial in such disease.
  •       Use of Mustard as Medicine to Relieve Fever
According to Ayurvedic experts the medicinal properties present in mustard are helpful in reducing the symptoms of fever. For this, follow the home remedies given below.
If the white scum becomes solid on the tongue, does not feel hungry or thirst, and if there is also a mild fever, then taking 500 mg of mustard flour with honey in the morning and evening is beneficial.

Some Other Benefits of Mustard

  •       If your hair is falling too much and the problem of dandruff is bothering you, then using mustard will be very beneficial for you. If you wish, you can soak the mustard overnight and wash its head with water. Apart from this, grinding it and using it will also be beneficial.
  •       Myrosine, syngrin-like elements are found in mustard. Both of these things are very beneficial for skans. Washing face with mustard water daily enhances the complexion of the face and also maintains moisturization.
  •       If you are very nervous, then grinding the mustard and using it will be very beneficial for you. Rubbing mustard on the hands and feet reduces nervousness and provides relief.

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