Wednesday, June 17, 2020

WEIGHT GAINING Tips : How to Gain Weight Fast & Safe | Healthy Foods for Weight Gain

WEIGHT GAINING Tips : How to Gain Weight Fast & Safe | Healthy Foods for Weight Gain

Today, more than 1.9 billion people are overweight worldwide. Many can’t imagine that there are actually people who would like to gain weight but can’t. Putting on a few pounds is a real challenge for some people who are underweight – especially if they want to do it in a healthy way. For some people, gaining weight or adding muscle can be just as difficult as losing weight for others. However, simply adding certain foods to our diet can make our weight gain efforts both healthy and more effective.

Here are some Weight Gaining Tips :

=>   Be Patient!
This is perhaps the most important tip for us, it doesn’t matter whether we want to gain or lose weight, we have to be patient. Changes don’t happen overnight.

=>   Eat More Calories than our Body Burns
The most important thing we can do to gain weight is to create a calorie surplus, meaning we must eat more calories than our body needs. We can determine our calorie needs using a calorie calculator. If we want to gain weight slowly and steadily, aim for 300–500 calories more than we burn each day according to the calculator. If we want to gain weight fast, aim for around 700–1,000 calories above our maintenance level. Keep in mind that calorie calculators only provide estimates. Our needs may vary by several hundred calories per day, give or take. We don't need to count calories for the rest of our life, but it helps to do it for the first few days or weeks to get a feel for how many calories we’re eating. There are many great tools out there to help us.

=>   Prefer Quality over Quantity
To be able to eat as much as we want… that is all well and good. But we still need to eat a healthy diet if we want to gain weight fast. Burgers, fries, and soft drinks are full of calories, but they also contain lots of saturated fats, salt, and sugar. We are better off focusing on nutrient- and calorie-rich foods to gain weight:
·     avocados
·     legumes 
·     whole-grain products
·     dry fruits
·     potatoes
·     rice
·     meat 
·     fish
·     nuts and seeds
We should, of course, always eat enough fruit and vegetables to cover our micronutrient requirement. When we focus on gaining weight, high calorie foods should be a priority.

=>   Stock Up on High-Fat Snacks
Fat is an essential part of our diet, and eating it can be a healthy way to regulate your weight. Eat nuts, seeds, and seed and nut butters. Try cheese and crackers, or dried fruit and full-fat yogurt. Hummus is great on bread or vegetables, and with plenty of tahini and olive oil it can help us up our calories. Olives and cheese are great when we want something really savory.
·     Keep spreads such as guacamole, tapenade, pesto, and hummus in our fridge for easy snacking.
·     Carry nut-bars to fill your cravings when we're out and about.

=>   Eat Plenty of Protein
The single most important nutrient for gaining healthy weight is protein. Muscle is made of protein and without it most of those extra calories may end up as body fat. Studies show that during periods of overfeeding, a high-protein diet causes many of the extra calories to be turned into muscle. However, keep in mind that protein is a double-edged sword. It’s also highly filling, which may reduce our hunger and appetite significantly, making it harder to get in enough calories. If we're trying to gain weight, aim for 0.7–1 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.5–2.2 grams of protein per kilogram). We can even go above that if our calorie intake is very high. High-protein foods include meats, fish, eggs, many dairy products, legumes, nuts and others. Protein supplements like whey protein can also be useful if we struggle to get enough protein in our diet.

=>   Gradually Increase Portion Size 
If we try to start eating enormous meals from one day to the next, it won’t work. Gradually increase our portion size every week instead. This way our body can get used to larger meals slowly. After a few weeks we will be able to eat considerably more. If we add high calorie foods to our meals as well, we will significantly increase our calorie consumption and gain weight that way. 

=>   Track Our Calories
Log everything we eat and drink: a food tracking app helps us learn more about our eating habits. Perhaps we can squeeze in a few more calories here or there.

=>   Get Whole Grain Breads
Whole grain breads, pastas, and crackers have more nutrients and more calories than processed grains. Enjoy our bread with butter, olive oil, peanut butter, avocado, or a drizzle of tahini and honey.

=>   Have Some Dessert
While we shouldn't rely on sugary food, the occasional sweet snack is fine. Don't worry about occasionally indulging in cake or ice cream. If we crave dessert every night, try for small portions and healthier options: dark chocolate, whole fat yogurt with fruit and granola, trail mix, granola bars, or whole grain pastries.

=>   Build Our Muscles with Strength Training
Muscle weighs more than fat, so we'll gain weight as we build muscle. Get some strength training exercise at least twice a week. We can strength train at home by doing crunches, lunges, and squats. Lift weights, exercise with kettlebells and medicine balls, or use tubes.
·     If we belong to a gym, we can train on the weight machines.
·     Sign up for a Pilates class.
·     Take a class or watch an exercise video before embarking on a new form of exercise.
·     Remember, stop if we are in pain. If something hurts, we are at risk of injury.

=>   Eat Before and After Our Workout.
Carbohydrates will help our stamina before we work out, while carbohydrates and protein together will help our muscles heal after we work out.
·     Get a small meal or a snack in at least an hour before exercising.
·     If we have eaten a large meal, wait three to four hours before we exercise.
·     Good post-exercise snacks might include peanut butter sandwiches, yogurt, and fruit, chocolate milk and crackers, or a smoothie with milk, yogurt, or whey protein.

=>   Eat Energy-Dense Foods and Use Sauces, Spices and Condiments
Again, it’s very important to eat mostly whole, single-ingredient foods. The problem is that these foods tend to be more filling than processed junk foods, making it harder to get in enough calories. Using plenty of spices, sauces and condiments can help with this. The tastier our food is, the easier it is to eat a lot of it. Also, try to emphasize energy-dense foods as much as possible. These are foods that contain many calories relative to their weight.
Here are some energy-dense foods that are perfect for gaining weight:
·     Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, etc.
·     Dry fruits: Raisins, dates, prunes and others.
·     High-fat dairy: Whole milk, full-fat yogurt, cheese, cream.
·     Fats and oils: Extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil.
·     Grains: Whole grains like oats and brown rice.
·     Meat: Chicken, beef, pork, lamb, etc. Choose fattier cuts.
·     Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams.
·     Dark chocolate, avocados, peanut butter, coconut milk, granola, trail mixes.
Many of these foods are very filling, and sometimes we may need to force yourself to keep eating even if we feel full. It may be a good idea to avoid eating a ton of vegetables if gaining weight is a priority for us. It simply leaves less room for energy-dense foods. Eating whole fruit is fine, but try to emphasize fruit that doesn't require too much chewing, such as bananas. If we need more suggestions, consider reading this article on 18 healthy foods to gain weight fast.

=>   Lift Heavy Weights and Improve Our Strength
To make sure that the excess calories go to our muscles instead of just our fat cells, it’s absolutely crucial to lift weights. Go to a gym and lift 2–4 times per week. Lift heavy and try to increase the weights and volume over time. If we’re completely out of shape or new to training, consider hiring a qualified personal trainer to help us get started. We may also want to consult with a doctor if we have skeletal problems or any medical issue. It’s probably best to take it easy on the cardio for now — focus mostly on the weights. Doing some cardio is fine to improve fitness and well-being, but don't do so much that we end up burning all the additional calories we’re eating.

=>   Skip Junk Food
While increasing our calorie intake would be a lot easier if we just ate fast food every meal, our health would suffer in every other way. Instead, focus on preparing our own food if we have the time. If we hate cooking or are too busy, find healthy ways to eat out. Stores that list all the ingredients of our meal, like sandwich shops and smoothie shops, are a good bet.
·     If we would like to make our own food but are always busy during the week, try to make a lot of food over the weekend. We can freeze half of what we make if we're worried about it going bad.
·     As a rule, avoid fried food, sugary snacks, soda, and candy.

=>   Add Clarified Butter and Sugar to our Daily Diet
Take one tablespoon of clarified butter and mix it well with one tablespoon of sugar. Eat this mixture every day at least half an hour before our lunch or dinner on an empty stomach. Consuming this concoction for one month will give we the desired results.

=>   Afternoon Nap is as Important as a Good Night's Sleep
Yes, you read that right! Sleeping in afternoon for about 45 minutes to an hour relaxes our mind and muscles. This not only helps us gain weight, but also help us to have a sound sleep at night. This is one of the fastest ways to gain weight without hitting the gym.

Healthy Foods to Gain Weight

=>   Milk
Milk offers a mix of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins. It is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including calcium. The protein content of milk makes it a good choice for people trying to build muscle. For anyone looking to gain weight, milk can be added to the diet throughout the day.

=>   Homemade Protein Smoothies
Drinking homemade protein smoothies can be a highly nutritious and quick way to gain weight. Making our own smoothies is the best way since commercial versions are often full of sugar and lack nutrients. It also gives us full control over the flavor and nutrient content.
Here are just a few tasty variations we can try. We can combine each with 2 cups (470 ml) of milk or an alternative like almond milk.
·     Chocolate banana nut shake: Combine 1 banana, 1 scoop of chocolate whey protein and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of peanut or another nut butter.
·     Vanilla berry shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) of fresh or frozen mixed berries, ice, 1 cup (237 ml) of high-protein natural yogurt and 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein.
·     Chocolate hazelnut shake: Combine 15 ounces (444 ml) of chocolate milk with 1 scoop of chocolate whey protein, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of hazelnut butter and 1 avocado.
·     Caramel apple shake: Combine 1 sliced apple, 1 cup (237 ml) of natural yogurt, 1 scoop of caramel- or vanilla-flavored whey protein and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of sugar-free caramel sauce or flavoring.
·     Vanilla blueberry shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) of fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein, 1 cup (237 ml) of vanilla yogurt and sweetener if needed.
·     Super green shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) of spinach, 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup (237 ml) of pineapple and 1 scoop of unflavored or vanilla whey protein.
All of these smoothies provide around 400–600 calories, along with a high amount of protein and other important vitamins and minerals.

=>   Rice
A cup of rice contains about 200 calories, and it is also a good source of carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain. Many people find it easy to incorporate rice into meals containing proteins and vegetables.

=>   Nuts and Nut Butter
Consuming nuts regularly can help a person to gain weight safely. Nuts are a great snack and can be added to many meals, including salads. Raw or dry roasted nuts have the most health benefits. Nut butters made without added sugar or hydrogenated oils can also help. The only ingredient in these butters should be the nuts themselves. A range of nut butters is available for purchase online.

=>   Potatoes and Starches
Potatoes and other starchy foods are a very easy and cost-effective way to add in extra calories.
Try to choose one of these healthy sources of starchy carbs:
·     Quinoa
·     Oats
·     Corn
·     Buckwheat
·     Potatoes and sweet potatoes
·     Squash
·     Winter root vegetables
·     Beans and legumes
Not only do potatoes and other starches add carbs and calories to help us gain weight — they also increase our muscle glycogen stores. Glycogen is the predominant fuel source for most sports and activities. Many of these carb sources also provide important nutrients and fiber, as well as resistant starch, which can help nourish our gut bacteria.

=>   Dry Fruits
Dry fruits are high-calorie snacks that also provides antioxidants and micronutrients. We can get many different types of dry fruit. However, they have a very high sugar content and are not ideal for weight loss diets. On the other hand, this makes them great for gaining weight, especially since they’re convenient to eat and taste great. While many people think fruits lose most of their nutrients when dried, this isn't the case. Dried fruits contain lots of fiber and most of their vitamins and minerals remain intact. Try combining some dried fruit with a protein source, such as cuts of meat or a whey protein shake. They also mix well with nuts and natural yogurt, providing a blend of healthy fats, protein and other key nutrients.

=>   Healthy Cereals
Healthy cereals can be an excellent source of carbs, calories and nutrients. While we should avoid processed, high-sugar cereals, healthier forms like oatmeal can be a great carb source to add to our diet. Grain-based cereals and oats also contain beneficial nutrients like fiber and healthy antioxidants.
When purchasing cereals, focus on these healthy choices:
·     Oats
·     Granola
·     Multi-grains
·     Bran
·     Ezekiel
Make sure to read the label and avoid cereals with refined grains or added sugar.

=>   Cereal Bars
Some of the healthier cereal bars on the market can be a great snack when you’re on the go. They are also a good choice before or after a training session since they tend to contain a mix of slow- and fast-digesting carbs. As with cereals, try to stick to bars made from healthy whole grains. We can also find bars that contain other healthy ingredients, such as dried fruits, nuts or seeds. As a snack or meal on the go, try combining a cereal bar with other protein sources, such as natural yogurt, boiled eggs, cold cuts of meat or a protein shake.

=>   Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is a high fat, high-calorie food. It also contains antioxidants. A person looking to gain weight should select chocolate that has a cacao content of at least 70 percent. A range of dark chocolate is available for purchase online.

=>   Protein Supplements
Athletes looking to gain weight often use protein supplements to boost muscle mass, in combination with resistance training. Protein supplements are available for purchase online. They may be an inexpensive way to consume more calories and gain weight.

=>   Fats and Oils
Oils, such as those derived from olives and avocados, contribute calories and heart-healthy unsaturated fats. A tablespoon of olive oil will contain about 120 calories.

=>   Cheese
Cheese is good source of fat, protein, calcium, and calories. A person looking to gain weight should select full-fat cheeses.

=>   Yogurt
Full-fat yogurt can also provide protein and nutrients. Avoid flavored yogurts and those with lower fat contents, as they often contain added sugars. A person may wish to flavor their yogurt with fruit or nuts.

=>   Whole Eggs
Eggs are one of the healthiest muscle-building foods on the planet. They provide a great combination of high-quality proteins and healthy fats. It's also very important to eat the whole egg. In fact, almost all of the beneficial nutrients in eggs are found in the yolk. As long as we don’t have an intolerance to eggs, there is no need to limit our egg consumption — we can easily eat three eggs per day if we want. In fact, many athletes or bodybuilders can eat six or more daily.

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